
CIANJ’s Government Affairs department monitors and acts on legislation and regulations impacting our membership. We update members on the issues that matter via the various forums, e-mails, newsletters, articles in COMMERCE magazine or our website. It is through the discussions and debate at the various forums that CIANJ learns about the issues. These meetings provide attendees with the opportunity to meet their peers and to be educated on a particular issue impacting their business. CIANJ prides itself on building long lasting relationships with key lawmakers, regulators and other policy makers including the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor.
Through our office in Trenton, which is conveniently located near the Statehouse, and which can be made available to members with prior notice and approval, CIANJ maintains these relationships and has developed an understanding of how the regulatory and legislative process works, which in turn can benefit members needing to navigate through the various state agencies or through the Legislature.
Whether you need assistance on an environmental or other regulatory matter or help securing grants and/or tax credits for development or expansion projects, CIANJ can be a resource. CIANJ affects change in Trenton through coalition building, the sweat equity of our member experts and through our political action committee, COMMERCE NJ which identifies and supports candidates who champion business issues. We are confident we can be of value to our members and their clients on matters involving local, county and state government.
For more information on how we can help or on how to contribute to COMMERCE NJ, please contact Anthony Russo, President, CIANJ at or 201-368-2100.
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