Foundation for Free Enterprise

The Foundation for Free Enterprise was established in 1975 as the educational arm of CIANJ. Its main aim is to teach students age 12 to 18 about the benefits of free enterprise. Through this instruction, students develop a way of thinking about the economy which will serve them throughout their lives, regardless of the career path they choose. The Foundation For Free Enterprise inspires future business leaders by bringing non-political business education programs to New Jersey schools.
FFFE continues to influence future leaders by effectively teaching thousands of students and teachers each year about the vital role free enterprise plays in peoples’ lives. Our success is built largely upon the ability to work at the intersection of the education and business worlds. As we build educational alliances with teachers throughout the region, an ever-increasing number of them come to know the FFFE and the value of enrolling their students in our programs. As a result, the FFFE enjoys a significant increase in demand for its courses of study.
In addition to financial support, the Board of Trustees and friends of the FFFE actively participate in our programs. The students enjoy meeting the executives who bring the course materials to life. The broad range of topics include basic economic theory, capital formation, innovation, price controls or price support, intellectual property rights, privatization of publicly owned utilities, business ethics, the impact of the government on medicine and personal investment strategies.
A great deal of the Foundation’s effectiveness is derived from the outstanding ability of its faculty, composed of both college professors and business executives, to clearly communicate essential concepts. The academic instructors introduce fundamental economics, business and finance theory. Volunteer entrepreneurs and senior-level executives immediately transform this theory into practice by demonstrating its relevance in peoples’ lives, using examples from their work.
Contact Kathryn English, President, to find out how you can help inspire tomorrow’s Free Market business leaders.
Click here to visit the FFFE's website.