
CIANJ is your voice in Trenton. Let us represent you on legislative and regulatory issues that impact your business. We can make the connections you need to navigate around obstacles and smooth your path to success in New Jersey.


With more than 85 events held annually -- both in-person and virtual -- we ensure that our members connect with one another and develop relationships that move their businesses forward. Most of CIANJ's events are currently virtual -- all virtual events are free to members.

Increase Your Visibility

Stay Informed

CIANJ's monthly magazine, COMMERCE, is a great way to stay informed about the business community in New Jersey and can also can be used to raise your organization's visibility. This B2B publication reaches more than 40,000 subscribers in both digital and print versions and is included with membership. Contribute content to a featured article, take out an ad -- there are many opportunities to elevate your profile through COMMERCE.

Hot Topics for Business is a daily email blast sent Monday through Thursday highlighting the five most important stories of the day for New Jersey businesses. Business Beat is CIANJ's weekly e-newsletter that not only includes Hot Topics but our member guest blog, feature story, member news and our upcoming events. Banner ads are available on both Hot Topics and Business Beat and have been highly effective ways for our members to promote themselves.