Non-Profit Forum
Non-Profit organizations have been growing throughout the state in recent years. This forum was designed to be a resource for non-profits to help them better serve their constituents and allow them to interact with for-profit members within the organization.
Meet Our Steering Committee...
Farah N. Ansari
Schenck, Price, Smith & King, LLP
Helen Archontou
YWCA of Northern New Jersey
John Corcoran
Managing Director
Merritt Walsh Associates, LLC
Pamela Ferguson
Vice President for Institutional Advancement
William Paterson University
Christina Grzybowski
Development Associate
Spectrum Works
Brett Harris, Esq
Shareholder, Business, Nonprofit and Technology Attorney
Wilentz, Goldman & Spitzer, PA
Victoria Keene
Sobel & Company, LLC
Ted Knapp
Regulatory Compliance/Business Development
AnythingIT, LLC
Wendy McGuire
Boys & Girls Club of Paterson and Passaic
Andrew Silverstein
Former Chairman of CIANJ
Tom Toronto
Bergen County's United Way
Joe Nardini
Founder & CEO
Susan Payne
Founder and President
Susan E. Payne & Associates, Inc.
Linda Brower
Senior Counsel
Brown Moskowitz & Kallen, P.C.